Guidance and Training Center (GTC) - Bethlehem



The project


Name: Recreational and play program for special needs and psychological fragile children


To answer to the special needs of psychological and fragile chidren


Main objectives: Play program for special needs


There are three main objectives to the project:


1-       Preventive:

Working with psycho socially fragile children due to poverty, sickness of parents, etc. and with children with mild symptoms of anxiety and depression, low self esteem, poor integration at school, society. In addition to children with poor interpersonal relationships and emotional problems.


Working with this category of children will aim for improving interpersonal relationship and social integration


2-       Rehabilitation

This objective targets children with developmental delay such as children diagnosed with autism, mental retardation, and children with coordination disorders.


Working with this category aims to improve their basic communication skills, providing them with pleasurable and enjoyable time, and will also support their families in caring for their children and lessening the burden on their families.


3-       Therapeutic:

This targets children with emotional or behavioral problems like – ADHD – Oppositional Defiant Disability – Conduct Disability, School refusal, urinary and stool incontinence, who are already receiving individual sessions at the center.


The project will aim to work on behavior modification, improving interpersonal relationships, decreasing the sense of alienation, and will support the individual therapy.


Target groups:


The direct target group of this project is children between 3 – 12 years old. Those children will be divided into two groups according to age, the first group will include children 3 – 7 years old, and the second group will consist of children 8 – 12 years old. There will be some exceptions of children with special needs older than 12 year old that may join the second group.


Indirect beneficiaries of the project are the families of the beneficiaries in specific and the community in general.


The organization

Main objectives:


The Guidance and Training Center for the Child and Family (GTC) is a Palestinian Local NGO serving the field of Mental Health since 1994. GTC provides different services that fall under four main categories: 1. Preventive Services, 2. Counseling and Therapeutic Services, 3. Training Services, and 4. Studies and Research Services.

Mission Statement of GTC

"Provide preventive and therapeutic services in the area of mental health, especially for the child and family, and generally for the local community, and to pursue the development of knowledge, skills, and experiences of workers in this field and conducting research through programs that meet the needs of the target groups in the best professional and scientific way possible, aiming to participate in the development of mental health in the Palestinian society."

Target groups of the organization

The GTC provides mental health services to all members of the Palestinian Families, but through the experience of the last fourteen years, figures have indicated that around 70% of our beneficiaries are children, 20% women, and about 10% men.

In the year 2007, GTC provided services to 385 patients. The average number of patients served from 2001 to 2007 is 330 per year.

Contact Information

Contact person: Victor KAWWAS – Administrative and financial manager
Phone number:
00 972 2 277 04 89

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