The support Fund : Eligibility Criteria

1-     Eligibility criteria for the organizations (non-profit organizations)



The criteria of eligibility for Palestinian non-profit organizations have been established by the Steering Committee.

A consultation has also been set up with some Palestinian organizations involved in the beginnings of the PIA.

In the case of a partnership between French and Palestinian organizations, other specific criteria have been established to ensure the proper functioning of this relationship.


The above criteria can be found in the document entitled “Guidelines of the Support Fund” (Eligibility criteria number 1, 2, and 3)



2-     Eligibility criteria of the projects



The different eligibility criteria of the projects have been established to create consistency between the objectives of the PIA and the projects funded by the Support Fund.


The above criteria can be found in the document entitled “Guidelines of the Support Fund” (Eligibility criteria: number 4 and 5)



The relevance of the project submitted will be evaluated on the basis of the above mentioned criteria. If any information is missing or erroneous, the Steering Committee can ask the applying organization to provide the necessary additional information to complete its proposal.

Should any required document not be provided by the applying organization or not correspond to the criteria, the proposal would be rejected.

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